The List

  1. Find out what you want, go out and do it. If you fail, assess why you failed – change your approach and try again. Have copious amounts of liquor while assessing, if you must.
  2. Being nervous about stuff is normal. Everybody is. Look at people closely when you are –  you will see their hands shake or their lips twitch, too.
  3. Stay away from the cool kids. They are often emotional retards and so full of their ego. That makes them blind towards themselves and by the trauma that causes, they are unable to see you.
  4. Let people see you. Really see you.
  5. Accept unhappiness just as much as happiness. It’s ok to be depressed, turn off your phone, weep like a baby for a few days, get it out of your system.
  6. Get to know thyself. Your strenghts as well as your weaknesses and tell people honestly about them. That way you give them the chance to know and trust you.
  7. Circumstances, people, plans and ideas change. Be light footed, flexible and understand that there are many different ways to get where you want to go.
  8. There is no normal and no “Guide Book For Life” even if your parents made you believe that when you didn’t know better.
  9. Don’t judge people. You don’t know their story.
  10. Have an opinion about stuff that concerns you and don’t betray it by being a flaky bitch.
  11. Don’t obsess about not being something you cannot be. It’s an incredible waste of time.
  12. Reality is subjective, it’s like the sunlight and the sky, it changes constantly. Imagine it to be something like a prisma. It will look slightly different to everyone.
  13. Never stop asking questions. If the answer doesn’t come to you straight away, keep on asking until you ask the right questions.
  14. If you need advice, chose the person to ask for it wisely. And when you do, listen.
  15. Take your time. Not anybody else’s.
  16. Try to become a better person. Look for examples of greatness, be open to new solutions. Growing up is not about becoming acceptable to the mainstream, it means growing in your own direction.
  17. Trust the process.
  18. Be careful and gentle with yourself. Your body and mind tell you exactly if they are comfortable with a decision or a step you take. There is a right time and a right place for everything.
  19. The future is an unknown place. You write your story. Write it while you live it and not based on predictions or outside information.
  20. Mean what you say. And find people who do, too.
  21. Don’t hold grudges. Negative feelings have negative energy. Solve the issues that can be solved. Let go of  all the other bullshit that will only weigh you down.
  22. Don’t think too much about what other people think. Unless you can read minds.
  23. Love. Don’t ever use fear as an excuse not to love. It’s the best.
  24. When it feels/sounds/tastes/looks good, it is good.
  25. Fear is the root of all evil.
  26. If someone laughs at your dreams or your convictions, politely raise your middle finger and walk away.
  27. You are not a passive partaker in someone elses story, i.e. god or fate or the marshmallow man. You are the active creator of everything.
  28. Prioritize. You cannot deal/handle/take care of everything all at once. Find out what’s most important right now, may it be your job, eating the best pizza in town, doing yoga, spending time with friends or dancing wildly. Do one thing at a time and do it with all your heart.

(* all subject to change at any given time, just like eveything else)

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