The uncharted waters between yes and no
Some women know they want children from an early age, some don’t want any. There are women who try to have them and can’t and then there are those who don’t plan
Es war ein wahnsinnig heisser Tag in San Pedro. Nach einem Spaziergang um einen der Salzseen in der Laguna Cejar, mitten in der Atacama Wüste im nördlichen Chile musste ich mir
Episode #7: The Arrival
Suddenly there were only 300 miles left until we would reach land and it hit us that our trip and time on the ocean was drawing to an end. We had left the garbage patch, the water
Episode #6: Luminescence, Pescado and almost shitting my pants
Will I tell my greatgrandchildren about all of this? Claro que si! How could I ever forget. Even if I take equally or even more mindblowing trips in the future, the things I s
Episode #5: Finding lots of trash
Duis ornare risus urna neque quis lupus metus molestie curabitur eu risus nulla ante in platea justo
Episode #4: Look for eden, find dreams
So I told you the story about the first 3 days on the Ocean Cleanup Mega Expedition. Then came magical day 4 and from then on, things started going uphill. Significantly. By not
Episode #3: Salt water is not our friend
NOT OUR FRIEND By Alexandra 25. August 2015 Close your eyes and picture this: it’s hot, it’s summer, you are on vacation. You are at the beach and you’ve been
Episode #2: (Getting to know) the Patches Crew
How can you fully feel and understand my story if you don’t know who I was traveling with? Well, the first few days I didn’t really know who I was traveling with, either. Livin
Episode #1: Leaving Hawaii “The survival phase” (the first three days)
Duis ornare risus urna neque quis lupus metus molestie curabitur eu risus nulla ante in platea justo
I spoke to Boyan this morning. Getting nervous. 36 hours to go.
Ok, it’s midnight in Honolulu, I have not smoked a cigarette in 3 hours and my internals feel slightly hectic. In roughly 36 hours I will put my feet on a boat that is 52 foot lo